"The Secret history of Art" - 1&2 Editions
AMH Book Publisher
Well-made book covers attract people's attention and significantly increase book sales. I worked on creating covers for the two editions of the artbook. The cover of the first edition of the book was Johannes Vermeer's "Girl with Pearl Earrings" and the second edition of the cover was Egon Schiele's "Seated Woman with Bent Knee". The two paintings with different background colours were intended to provide a contrast of the two different editions of this artbook. However, I wanted to give a sense of unity by using the same pattern on the covers and by choosing two paintings with women looking like they are staring at the consumer. Consumers fascinated by women's eyes may be interested in this artbook. The purpose of the project was to create fascinating book covers, which encourage consumers to get interested in the book and eventually buy it.
The Secret History of Art